Monday, March 17, 2008

New Tuslaw Website

Visit the new Tuslaw Website at


I started a new blog (it's an official Tuslaw Blog!) Please click the attachment to see the new blog. I will be updating this blog now!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Easter Baskets

Next week, we will be making Easter Baskets in school. If you would like, you may donate a small, wrapped treat to put in each child's basket. This is only if you chooose to donate. Thank you! Please send items to school by March 18th.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

National Reading Month!

Our goal, as a class, is to read 3,200 minutes by spring break (March 20th). If we reach our goal, we will have a popcorn and movie party!

As of March 17th, we have read 4,085 minutes! We have made it to our party! Great job!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Math and Reading Achievement Test

We will be taking the Math and Reading Achievement Test at the end of April/beginning of May. We have been continually preparing for these tests. The end of the unit assessments in Language Arts are modeled after the reading achievement test questions.

We have already taken the reading achievment test, but all students will take the test again in April. As we have discussed in school, the goal for all students is to do better on the test in April than they did in October. Students have been learning and growing for many months during third grade and its important that they show this growth during their Achievement Test.

To help us prepare for the math test, we are completing a few practice questions each week. The practice questions are questions that have been on past achievement tests. Students are using these questions to practice explaining how they got their answer and to review concepts that will be on the test. The practice questions will be sent home prior to the test and then can be reviewed at home.