Monday, August 06, 2007

Poetry Folder

This year, our class will be reading poetry each week in our "Poetry Folder." After we read and discuss the poem in class, students will have to read the poem to someone at home and then write a paragraph in response to the poem (a prompt will be given.) It is very important that this paragraph is written neatly, with many details, and in paragraph form (indent, topic sentence, and closing sentence). Please read the paragraph that your child wrote to ensure that it was done to the best of his/her ability. The folder will be due the following day (usually Thursday!)

Book Orders

Monthly book orders will be sent home (usually on the first Friday of the month.) It is not mandatory to order books, but there are usually cheap books included in the order that will be good to have at home (for reading at home and to use for the Monthly Reading Calendar). In addition, the classroom receives free supplies/books when orders are placed! Please write a check to the book company and do not send cash to school for book orders.
I can only place a class order if the order exceeds $20. If the order (as a class) does not exceed $20, I will return your check and notify you that the order cannot be placed.

Friday Folders

Friday Folders will be an important part of third grade! Each Friday I will write a short note in your child's Friday Folder (it will be a green folder) regarding behavior, participation, and other school related events. Please read these carefully, discuss the notes with your student, and sign the folder. Please return the folder to school on Monday! All folders need to be returned to school on the next school day! In addition, all graded papers, timed tests, and AR tests will be included in the Friday Folder. Please review all papers, and correct and sign the papers (if necessary).